Update on the Relaunch of Thinking and Believing

I’m still planning to officially relaunch the blog in June. As of today, I have pulled all the posts offline. I am going to rework them and begin republishing them to the blog. I know that, initially, I am going to lose some traffic and some links in doing that. But I know that many of my posts have not been written at the level of quality I want.

Styles of Blogging

I know that some people use their blog as medium to post their preliminary or roughly written posts on their chosen topics. Most of the blogs are not helpful. What I find most helpful are blogs that have well-written, quality articles. These articles are useful to the readers; they are not merely logs of some author’s random thoughts on a subject.

So I want to rewrite many of my article – along, of course, with writing new content – that will prove useful to my readers.

Slight Delay in the Relaunch

I hope to relaunch June 1st. I will be in Chicago with my ministry the first week of June. I will return home and immediately hosts out-of-town guests for a couple of days. So my readers will continue to notice changes in the blog’s design and layout until mid-June. I will begin publishing rewritten content and new, fresh contenton June 1st.

RSS Subscription versus Email Subscription

As those of you who blog or read many blogs already know, Google Reader is being shut down in a few weeks. I know there are other RSS services that you can use, but everything I’ve read has led me to believe that RSS subscription will no longer be the main way that readers keep up with blogs. Many of the blogs I follow seem to be emphasizing email subscriptions over RSS subscriptions. So I will do likewise.

I encourage you to subscribe to this site through email, even if you are currently subscribed through our RSS feed.


I want to apologize that my writing on this blog has come in spurts, with the writing interrupted by long breaks where I post nothing. I am excited about this relaunch, and I plan to devote myself to the blog in a manner I haven’t done since I started it. To my regular readers, I apologize. I hope that this blog becomes more useful to you after the relaunch.

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